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Die Hündin Wayra

Sandra Jöchle

Founder & CEO


+41 78 670 06 12

E-mail address


Kellenstrasse 16a

9463 Oberriet

birth date

December 6, 1972

Every person has a story

Pippi Longstocking once said: "I paint the world as I like it!" 
And that's exactly what I do. In some moments I am this Pippi Longstocking. A defiant, rebellious woman who allows herself to make this statement. Pippi Longstocking lived her dreams and visions within the social system. I do it too. My dreams come true and no longer remain - a dream. 

I have had this image, this vision in me since I was a child. The positive image of a brilliant future. This vision is the image of how I want to live in the future. How and with whom I will work in the future and how I will combine my free time with what I do to make the world a little more colorful. 
I hope everyone can find an image for themselves, see it clearly in their mind's eye, and then understand what is really important in life. I set my personal and professional priorities exactly where I can stand up for them.
Through inner clarity and conviction, I have repositioned my sails, keeping me on course. The destination is known and the journey will connect with the fulfillment of my vision and bring me the things I really want.
I am a Pippi Longstocking who is confident and self-determined in life!
For me it means more Pippi Longstocking - than Paperlapap!

Key data

Professional experience & qualifications


    Managing Director of K-I-Z Competencies in the Center GmbH

    Systemic coach, job coach & mentor

    Instructor with federal certificate Specialist certificate & vocational trainer

    Over 20 years of experience in the social work context

    Personnel management & project management

    Business & HR management

    Project management & marketing

    Application coaching compact

    Intensive application coaching


    Dog Cat

    Family & farm

    Nature & Garden

Now with K-I-Z

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